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ISBN 345680945X
LIBRO Maternal nutrition during pregnancy and lactation
AUTOR Aebi Hugo, Whitehead Roger
EDICION N/T AÑO 1980 # Ejemplar 1
EDITORIAL Hans Huber Publishers
VOL/TOMO #Pag. 354    
Fecha CatalogaciÓn 2016-06-08 Fecha AutomatizaciÓn 2016-06-08
Sumario Basic principles; Endocrine factors in the control of nutrient utilisation in pregnancy; Maternal dietary intake in different populations in the world; Nutritional balance studies in pregnant women; The physiological and clinical consequences of an inadequate diet during pregnancy and lactation; The African newborn in Abidjan. Maternal and environmental factors influencing the outcome of pregnancy; The effect of maternal dietary supplementation on fetal growth and lactation performance; Maternal weight height and the effect of food supplementation during pregnancy and lactation